Friday, September 9, 2011

HA! It's not so easy is it?

Thought I'd just throw a quick post out here - Working from home - and trying to use the crutches all day PWB vs. my knee walker.  Seems like I have gone backward!  I can't carry my own cup of coffee into my home office now, and it's a lot harder to go down the small stairs outside.  Still doing the bum shuffle up the big stairs to the bedrooms though.  I WANT to put a lot of weight on my bad foot - but there is some weird ankle pain that prevents this - along with fear.  So, I am walking around the house putting minimal weight on the foot - (what the heck is 25% anyway?).  At one point I even managed to walk out of my office using only 1 crutch - and then got reprimanded by the boss (aka wife) for trying to do too much too soon.  Oh well, I'll wait for my first PT session Monday am to get their perspective on where I really am.  In the mean-time, I'll keep gently pushing my limits.

One positive - It was Heaven to sleep without the boot or sock on last night!!


  1. Hi, I tried posting a comment here for you some days ago, but it wouldn't take, so I emailed to the address you listed on my blog. Hope you got it and it helped! Now, somehow, the posts are taking. Best Wishes for PT.

  2. Hi - Thanks for your post! I did not receive any emails though... I'll check my personal account. But you are posting now! Thanks for the idea on the marbles.

