Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Reflection - The past 5 weeks

Well, a few of you have found my blog and I am appreciative of your posts.  It is nice to talk to folks that have or are going thru the same journey as me.  Keep up the comments!  Reflecting on the past 5 weeks.  It has not been easy - but it is what you try to make of it.  Today my reflection is on how much family and friends are affected by this.  All the "heavy lifting"  that I used to do now has to be performed by my family.  I am appreciative of their help and support - and its sometimes hard to remember how much they are affected.  Whether its taking the garbage up Monday nights, fixing things around the home or even cooking (I am the real cook in our house ;-)  ) they are pitching in doing things while I sit back on the couch.  I owe them!    So I thought I would re-post my initial questions from the first week sitting at home  - and sort of my answers to my own questions.  In another month - I will re-visit.

How do I get myself out and about more?   - This is a time thing  - I learned that this is all dependent on the nature of one's injury.  Take it slow - but don't be afraid to get out.  I even went to see the new Harry Potter film!  Kept my leg propped up on the seat in front of me - worked out just fine - and the movie was the best of the series in my opinion!
2. When can I start to drive? - In my case - since it was my left foot - I got out about 2 weeks post surgery - but I am limited on my time behind the wheel as my foot starts to swell
3. How long before I don't have to keep my leg elevated constantly? - Plenty of posts from my friends here - but it seems this will be at least 3 months
4. Doing some weight training (I was in the gym previous to this 4 times a week for weights and cardio) - Trying to keep doing this as much as possible
5. My diet - for healing, and keeping weight off - Ahhh - I fear this is my big unknown.  I love to eat and the only way I kept weight off was exercise - So will continue to keep an eye on my diet and my weight.  If I gain a few I am not going to stress over it - just get back to the Gym as soon as I am able.
6. Becoming more independent - I am not one that likes my kids and wife always having to do everything for me
7 No more boat trips - BUT - At least using her as a floating condo for the rest of the summer - This is working out for me - I go down Friday night and I don't get back off the boat till Sunday.  The view is great and my friends have all been coming to my boat to hang out.  We even had a great dance party last Saturday night.  I sat on the couch and watched everybody else dance and chose the music off of my IPOD.  Pretty much what I would do anyway since I am not a dancer :-)
8. When can I go to a restaurant and sit at the bar again? - ASAP!   Just do it!  As Foredeckwannabie says - Bring a good book and a pillow to prop your leg up on.
9. When can I shower?  I HATE SPONGE BATHS!! - Id say as soon as you are able - get a bag to cover your cast.  You may need a shower seat.
10 6 more self inflicted needles with the blood clot medicine - Can't wait for THAT to be over - Yea - those su*ked

I am sure I will think of more of these as time goes on.    2 weeks till cast comes off!!


  1. Hi Glenn,

    I missed your reply to my comment, I'm not sure why I didn't get a notification..... but anyway here I am !
    I've just posted on my blog actually, I've not been so good lately. It's been a tough week, quite a bit of scary pain & stuff. A bit disappointing considering how well I felt before the recent op.
    It's good to hear how sorted you are, you're doing well, keep it up ! Oh & yes, the odd sock drawer definitely comes in handy :)

  2. Hi, Glen, I loved that last post. I remember, vaguely, lying on the couch with my foot up, plotting what I could do when. It's important to keep up with real life as much as possible!
    I am quite jealous of the boat! What a wonderful way to be able to spend part of a convalescence.
    From my experience, do as much weight work with the good leg as you can stand. I was told to do some with the other leg, too, but was scared to, so I would leave that advice to a PT person!
    It's great to read what a good handle you've got on the whole thing.

  3. Hey Chris - thanks for the comment. Yes, the boat makes for a great escape to my reality - even though I can't really take it out for a spin these days. I am a week from Thursday getting the cast off, and the 3 K-wires out (I hope) - a major milestone (I hope)! and just in time too - looks like the skin on my leg is starting to peel! I will post that adventure next week.
