Monday, December 12, 2011

Coming up on 6 months

So Christmas Eve will be 6 months since my initial injury.  These days, it seems like the trauma of the initial injury, and the drama of recovery are far behind me.  Yes, I am reminded of my injury daily, as I still have a stiff foot in the am, and depending on the day, sometimes a slight limp.  Yes, my foot is still bigger than the other.  But - I have no pain, no swelling, and almost all days carry on as normal.  My anxiety is building a little bit though - as on the 21st I will have my hardware removed.  I know this is a pretty routine surgery, and I know the recovery should be quick - for just taking 2 screws out of the Lisfranc joint.  But - I really do not look forward to "The day", post-op pain, and of course - having to potentially stay off the foot for a few days? weeks?

I'll report back post surgery and over the Christmas break in terms of the recovery.

I do look forward to 2012 - and bidding good riddance to the Lisfranc Gods on New Year's Eve   ;-)

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