Thursday, January 12, 2012

Time Heals all wounds - slowly if it's related to Lisfranc

Today marks three weeks since my second surgery to have my hardware removed.  I know I have reported that I am healing fine.  Which is generally true.  My top of foot wound is completely scarred and healed over.  It is still sensitive when I have a shoe on though.  I guess its the new skin layer.  My side wound, has been the trouble maker.  This was the wound that oozed and bled, then became infected.  Post wound care instructions were to keep it clean, use a butterfly bandage but not cover it.  So by last week's wound check, it had scabbed over and was healing nicely after my anti-biotic treatment.  At that time, my surgeon told me to keep it covered with a band-aid.  Well, 24 hours later, I go to change the dressing - and the wound is all soft and oozy again.  Sort of like skin that's been in the water too long.  I apply first-aid ointment to the band-aid at each change - and a week later the wound - while looking good, is still soft, but not oozing.  I am no doctor, but I would think you are better off having the wound scab over to heal.  So today, I am going to stay out of shoes, work from home and let the wound air out.  I did not expect this to take so long to heal over.  But from all I have read, foot wounds do take a long time to heal.

There is a trade off.  If you are walking around and out of the house - you really need to keep the wound covered -- otherwise, it will become infected.  But in my opinion, you also need to let it air out a bit.

Oh well, its almost been seven months - what's another couple of weeks?

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