Saturday, October 15, 2011

Down to 1 PT Session Per week

Well, getting to the end of my therapy journey.  Yesterday my PT told me I could come just once a week now.  My leg and ankle strength are back to normal in my opinion.  My balance and foot flexibility are still not, and may never be what it was before the injury.  But I am working on it.  I am up to a full 35 mins on the elliptical now and working leg machines into my workout hard now.  I still get some swelling, and my bad foot still is bigger than my good foot.  I can walk now with very little limp, and almost broke out into a light jog the other night.  I'll continue with PT until they tell me I am done.  I don't see my surgeon until mid-November - so as much as I would like to get the hardware removed from my foot, it's going to be at least another month.  So, here is a status since my last post:

1. Walking without any limp, never going back to the cane - Done, just a little limp now
2. Walking longer distances - and faster!  Right now I can manage short slow spurts without pain - Done - Think I could slow jog now
3. Full 30 minutes on the elliptical - Done!
4. More grace walking up and down stairs - Better!  But not all the way there yet
5. No swelling - HA!  Doubt that will happen anytime soon - Better, but still comes sometimes at end of day
6. No weird feelings & sensitivity/numbness on the surface of my foot - Almost feels normal these days
7. No popping Advil in the am to mask foot pain - Advil free for one week!
8. Standing / balancing on my bad foot for 30 seconds (PT says that is what a normal person can do) - I can manage about 8 seconds
9. Getting into my "smaller" pair of dress-shoes - my left foot still bigger than my right - and I know this might be forever, but will try! - Glad I am not a girl - my shoe fashion will forever be limited I fear - no way I can fit into narrower dress shoes
10. Completing PT - I'll set my sites on the end of November - I'd say this will stick
11. Getting the 2 remaining screws out of my foot - December? - Still about right

I may post a pic of my foot soon for comparison to where it was when I got my cast off.   I may even post my injury pics for Halloween LOL!  They are pretty gruesome!


  1. Wonderful news. I'm happy for you. After looking over my pain journal it is obvious things are getting better. It's just soo slow. My doc gave me more physical therapy. I still don't have as much strength, my range of motion is pretty good.I see my surgeon on the anniversary of my surgery. It seems bone fusion takes a lot longer. Great to hear that fellow lis franc feet are making progress.

  2. Glad to hear about your recovery! Don't give up on the dress shoes too soon. I found it took a long time..long after the detectable swelling had gone down...for the foot to slim down to a 'normal" size.


  3. Hi guys! Thanks for the comments. Trucking along - would love to get my hardware out sooner than later! Hope you both are doing well! Glenn
