Friday, October 21, 2011

End of PT - For now

Today my PT told me I am able to be discharged.  She was amazed at my level of recovery since I started PT a little over a month ago.  I am walking now pretty much normally.  Still have a little pain and stiffness in the am, no real swelling, and my left foot is still 1/4 bigger round than my right foot.  At this point, I am going to continue my workouts in the Gym, and wait to see my Surgeon Nov 17th.  Hoping to get the screws out ASAP as I can definitely feel them now.  My PT says I can feel them since my foot is no longer swollen.  This marks 17 weeks since my accident.  6 weeks weight bearing.   It has been a long journey, and one that I am sure I will be reminded of with every stiff am walk and foot twinge I get for the rest of my life.

I'd like to call this my last post - but given I still need to get the hardware removed - I think my last post will come on the 1 year anniversary of the accident - I will then close with my last post at that point.  Until then, I'll continue to post items I think folks will find of interest in terms of their own journey.

Please readers - and there are a lot of you!  From many countries!  Feel free to ask me questions.



  1. Congratulations. Given the severity of the initial injury, this is an incredible recovery. I have a feeling you'll continue to get stronger and be one of those dudes who run a marathon. Please keep posting.

  2. Hi Glenn!

    It's been incredible to read your blog, what an inspiring recovery. I would love to add you to my blog-roll, I'm all about hope after Lisfranc, and your story is a great example! I'm 11 months post-injury myself, and had my screws removed a couple of weeks ago. I actually had to go back to PT after the removal, you'll have to let us know whether this is the case for you! And please keep posting!

    Alissa (

  3. Nucklehead - as always - thanks for the positive comments! I flew tonight to DC on business - I did not set off the metal detector LOL!

  4. Hi Alissa - Thanks for posting from way down under! I tried to post to your blog but no luck. I'll try again when I have more time. I will also read your story. You are 1 year older than my oldest daughter - wow! stinks having a lisfranc eh? How are you getting along now that the screws came out? Glenn

  5. PS - Please feel free to add me to your blog roll
