Monday, September 12, 2011

First PT Session

After a weekend of partial WB, I had my first PT session this am.   Over the weekend - in three days I managed to use the cane around the house.  Still a bit painful but great to actually be 'walking' on my own.  Monday am I thought I would pay the price  - the foot was a little swollen but not overly so.   First session of PT is mainly an assessment of your range of motion, etc.  I did the towel exercise - where they have you scrunch up a towel with your feet.  Didn't do too well on that.  Then had me pick up plastic toys from a bucket.  Managed to pick up 2 with my toes.  My range of motion for my ankle and feet are pretty stiff.  She gave me some home exercises  - ankle pumping, ankle alphabet, circles.  Nothing painful -- yet.

So - some progress, and a long way to go!


  1. Congratulations! Get a bowl of marbles and pick them up (with your toes) while watching TV!
    By the way, the PT might not actually hurt that much!

  2. Marbles are hard. I did them at pt and the first time I thought I had one, I didn't. The scrunchies are more important than I thought. We need our toes to balance and walk smoothly. Glad to hear you weren't all that sore. Hope it keeps your progress on track.

  3. Hee hee - my goal tomorrow at PT is to pick up more plastic toys out of the bowl. Currently, I hate scrunches, I will try to learn to love them.
